Fishing was slow this last trip. I think the heat is doing a number on the fish. Between the heat, murky water and dodging the thunderstorms, it has been a circus act. I ran to several different locations in search of bait and found nothing but deserted markers. After the 3rd stop, I finally found threadfins that were staying deep. I threw the cast net a couple times and felt confident that we had enough. I decided to troll during the slack tide to see if there were any hungry grouper lurking. Again the water had a coffee stained hue and I was trolling with grubs, so I didn’t feel 100% confident that we would nail one but I was just waiting on the tide anyhow, so what the heck. We trolled for the better part of 45 minutes with only one trip on the planer, with further inspection of my grub; the fish appeared to be on the smaller side.
Once the tide started flowing, I chose to run north to a new area and explore a little bit. I didn’t find the schools of reds that I wanted but we did pick up a fish here and there. Bait of choice was threadfins and artificial. Our total count was 7 with two fat 25 inch redfish. I failed to take a picture of Dan’s large red but I have it on video and will upload it A.S.A.P. Overall it was tough fishing but still a great day on the water.
1 comment
Thanks for the report, better luck next time! :)
Thanks for the report, better luck next time! :)