It's a popular question that we have all asked one time or another. Hook size is significant, not only for good hookup ratios but to protect the fish. Of course, as with all things, everyone has an opinion, and they are entitled to their views, but I will share what has worked for me. I'm not biased, and my recommendations in this article do not sponsor me, so don't think that there is only one hook that will do the job because that is not the case.

When you approach your favorite store's hook selection, it can be a little overwhelming when you see thousands of hooks that come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. There are Kahle hooks, J hooks, circle hooks, and the list goes on and on. Circle hooks have been gaining popularity due to the low mortality rate of fish after being caught and the ease of use. I won't deny that I wasn't initially a huge fan; I have always enjoyed setting the hook. On the other hand, I genuinely hate seeing fish die, mostly when it can be avoided. So I am now an avid user of the circle hook and rarely use "J hooks." I prefer two brands of hooks: Owner and Gamakatsu hooks, the reason being is because they are chemically sharpened, and I have never had either brand fail. When chunking bait or using shrimp, I favor the 1/0 Owner Light Super Mutu.
They are light hooks that are razor-sharp, and they tend to always hook right in the corner of the mouth. The concept is simple with the Super Mutus, when you feel a tug, reel down and then lift the rod tip. The fish's weight and the rod will do the rest in making sure that hook penetration is good. I will often stick with the 1/0 or increase to 2/0 depending on the whitebait size for live baits. If you're using a pinfish, pigfish, etc. You may have to increase up to a 3/0-4/0 hook. The basic idea is to make the presentation seem as natural as possible. I took a buddy out the other day, and he insisted on using his tackle and rigs. I told him I didn't have a problem with that.
He is a pretty proud man, so I started fishing. After about four redfish and a couple of trout, he came to the back of the boat and asked me what he was doing wrong? He was using a 5/0 J hook and a 40lb leader. I asked him if he was tarpon fishing; keep in mind we were using shrimp. I helped him change over to 20lb fluorocarbon leader, and I changed out his hook, I advised him to cast to the potholes, and it wasn't long before he started hooking up. Fish aren't the smartest creatures, but they are smart enough to know when something is awkwardly wrong. Conceal the hook and leader to the best of your ability, and you will catch more fish.
Joshua Taylor
Hello, I use 3 to 8/0 hooks for mullet depending on their size.
Hello, I use 3 to 8/0 hooks for mullet depending on their size.
JoseLarry Bacolod Barro
What hook size for the mullet fish
What hook size for the mullet fish