Fishing Articles
best time to fish for redfish
What Is the Best Fishing Season For Redfish?
Customers frequently ask when the best fishing season is for redfish. The sunshine state offers a vast array of species, both inshore and offshore. Many fish species can be caught year-round regard...

drift fishing
Drift Fishing the Rich Grass Flats
Before I get into drift fishing, I thought I would share a little knowledge regarding Sea-grass. Did you know that there are seven native species of sea-grass in Florida? The seven include:
Fishing Articles
Locating Schools of Redfish - How to Find Them
It’s no secret, cooler temperatures welcome an onslaught of fish species. Fish gather in large numbers and actively gorge on huge quantities of white bait that flood the bays and shallow flats. Al...

Fishing Articles
How to Rig a Live Shrimp for Fishing
Watch as I show you how to rig a live shrimp for fishing. Shrimp, which is a decapod crustacean, is “one of the best” live baits for saltwater fishing. Shrimp are widespread and very abundant; they...
brown bomber fishing
Night Fishing for the Elusive Cobia
The summer heat has been brutal this year, but the showers have been consistent and have kept the temperatures tolerable. Sometimes with all the pressure that the fish receive in the Tampa Bay, yo...
Fishing Articles
Best Top Water Lure for Spotted Sea Trout
Most who have ventured out to capture the beautiful spotted sea trout and those who have been successful; understand that they have a tenacious appetite. Speckled trout frequently hit with extre...
catching silver trout
Silver Trout Invade the Tampa Bay
In general, fishing has been pretty good, but the species that stands out among many is the tenacious silver trout. They have invaded the bay. Silver trout might not appeal to the more experienced...

black tips sharks
Winter Shark Fishing - How to Be Successful
Most think of the warmer months when “shark fishing” is mentioned. Many anglers overlook the great winter fishery that we have here in Florida. The power plants discharge thousands of gallons of...
Fishing Articles
Sheepshead is the Hot Ticket in December
Florida weather has been pleasant. If it wasn't for the Christmas decorations and mad people squandering through the malls, I would think it was early fall. The warmer temperatures have the fis...