Fishing Articles

Fishing Articles
Redfish Fishing Tournament Preparation
After the storm eased a little and the skies cleared on Sunday, we were able to get on the water to do a little scouting. It was a "one man, one-rod" type of day. Our primary objective was to find...
brown bombers
Brown Bomber Fishing Tips - Cobia Fishing
Bombers AKA Cobia is a prized catch, because of their delicious fillets and ultimate strength. Not to mention the popular method of sight casting, as they linger in the shadows of the markers, buo...
Fishing Articles
Snook Fishing Tips - For Novice & Pros
Does the snook elude you? Don’t worry you are not alone; I hear many stories where people struggle when targeting snook. So, I figured I would share a few snook fishing tips, which have helped me ...

Fishing Articles
Understanding the Moon & Tide for Fishing Success
Our ancestors and generations before their existence perfected and understood the moon phases and tides. They relied on them, not for a recreational reason, but to survive. There is evidence of thi...
Fishing Articles
Gear for Catching Redfish & Snook
Your gear for catching redfish and snook are an important piece of the equation when it comes to fishing, is it true that you need “top of the line” gear? No, you don’t, especially if you are an oc...
Fishing Articles
Speckled Trout Fishing Rigs
Speckled trout are tenacious and have eyes more extensive than their appetite in most instances. Still, they have proven to be extremely popular with recreational anglers due to their ease of bei...
catch and release
Fish Conservation & Why It’s Important
You’re probably wondering why I am writing on such a topic, when there are literally hundreds of more appealing things to write about. I feel the need to express the importance of conservation a...

1/0 owner hooks
What Hook Size for Reds & Snook?
It's a popular question that we have all asked one time or another. Hook size is significant, not only for good hookup ratios but to protect the fish. Of course, as with all things, everyone has an...

Fishing Articles
Holy Mackerel - How to Catch the Toothy Critter
Mackerel fishing slowed down a little with the arrival of tropical storm Betty, but the bay is finally clearing up, and the salinity levels are stabilizing. When we are in-between moons, and the ti...