Fishing Articles

Dave Bulthuis
Pure Fishing Acquires Fin Nor and Van Staal
Pure Fishing has announced the acquisition of leaders in saltwater reel Fin-Nor and Van Staal. This merger will position Pure Fishing to become a world leader in saltwater angling and is in keeping...

best gifts
Fishing Gifts for Men 2019
Here is our top pick for the best gifts for men in 2019. These gift ideas for him should get you on the right track, especially if he loves the outdoors.

Best Way to Use a Gold Spoon for Redfish AKA Red Drum
The gold spoon is one of the most popular, dare I say one of the all time top three, lures for redfish. Hardcore redfish anglers count these simple, unimpressive appearing chunks of metal because t...

Want to Catch JUMBO Florida Bass? Crankbaiting Gets it Done!
Crank-baits can be a very effective way to target and catch large-mouth bass, especially in the Florida heat. Here are some great tips to get you started along with an epic video showing one of our...

how to clean kayak
Kayak Cleaner | Quick Tip to Easily Clean Your Kayak
Cleaning your kayak can be quick and easy, use this approach to save valuable time and energy.

How to Cast a Spinning Reel
How to Cast a Spinning Reel/Rod
Here is a detailed tutorial on how to properly cast a spinning rod and reel. I discuss, techniques such as overhead casting, pitching and roll casting.

how to rig lures for fishing
How to Rig Soft Plastic Fishing Baits
Take a look as we show you how to rig your soft plastics in the most effective manner possible, so you trigger more strikes and catch more fish.

best fishing hacks
Top Five Fishing Hacks! - Simple & Sweet
When you spend as much time on the water as we do you come against specific problems time and again. Eventually, you start developing creative ways to overcome these relatively common annoyances. W...

bait pops
Rigging Bait for a Bait Cannon - Popsicle Fish Missiles!
The bait rockets are the perfect projectile and will help launch your baits up to 300 yards from shore. Not only is this contraption impressive, but it also helps eliminate the need to kayak out ba...