Fishing Articles

fishing knot
How to Tie a Palomar Fishing Knot
Learn the art of knot tying with our step-by-step guide on how to tie a Palomar Knot at Master this essential fishing knot with detailed instructions, expert tips, and clear visual...

How to Tune Your Baitcaster to Prevent Birds Nest
Learn step by step how to fine tune your fishing baitcaster with the most detailed tuning tutorial on the internet.

Fishing for Quality Websites On Fishing
The fishing industry today, as it pertains to the internet, is a hodgepodge of corporate outreach sites, political news, and trip booking offers. It is actually hard to find good quality sites that...

hollow belly frog
How to Work a Hollow Belly Frog - Video Demonstration
In this video demonstration I show you how to work a hollow belly frog and I also show you how a frog swims by propelling itself forward using vortex rings and synchronized motion. The key is to wo...

custom fishing rod rack
How to Make a Rod Rack for Under $25
In this great tutorial, I show you how to make a ceiling mounted fishing rod rack from scratch for less than $25.00. All you need is a few fundamental tools and a couple of 1 x 4's. If you enjoy...
kid fishing pole
Spider-Man Fishing Challenge - Lots of Trout Caught
In this video I attempt to catch redfish with a kids Spider-Man rod, I didn't locate the redfish on this day but I did catch a mess of trout and a saltwater gar. I used everything from live gre...
How to Make a Popping Cork - Simple Instructions!
In this video tutorial, I show you how you can make your very own popping cork by recycling old parts of Cajun Thunder or you can purchase all new supplies from If you enjoyed the v...

catch more with cut bait
How to Rig Cut Greenbacks & Whitebait
Rigging Cut Greenbacks for Bait
Hey, guys, Captain Taylor here with again, we're out on the Sunshine Skyway fishing pier, and I'm going to show you how to rig cut greenbacks, so...
fishing video
Catching Dozens of Keeper Speckled Trout - Kayak Fishing
In this video I walk you through a day spring fishing the Tampa Bay flats for speckled trout, we literally caught dozens of slot fish and only kept a few for dinner.