When to Go Fishing - A Comprehensive Guide!
free fishing tool

When to Go Fishing - A Comprehensive Guide!

  Recreational fishing and sportfishing communities across the world are witnessing a steady rise in their popularity. United Nations' estimates show that the number of recreational fishers, or an...
How to properly use a fishing rod
broke fishing rod

How to Properly Use a Fishing Rod

Okay, I know what you are probably thinking, how to use a fishing rod? Are we seriously talking about this in 2020? Well, yes, and why you might ask? Unfortunately, there is a large majority who do...
Fishing Hack: Wrapping Old Fishing Line

Fishing Hack: Wrapping Old Fishing Line

The fishing line is what ultimately connects you to the fish, it is something to be respected and cared for, but every single one of us who fishes has some tangled old-line lurking inside some long...
Pre-Front & Post Front Fishing - Which is Better?
fishing tampa bay

Pre-Front & Post Front Fishing - Which is Better?

So why is it that one day out on the water seems to be magical, and you can't stop catching fish, then the next there isn't a single bite? In many instances, this is due to the pre-front and post ...
Black Friday Fishing Deals 2020

Black Friday Fishing Deals 2020

Black Friday is rapidly approaching, and you are probably looking for the best Black Friday fishing deals of 2020, am I correct? Here at Salty Scales, we try and bring unique products to the market...
Badfish Lure Box - Is it Worth It?

Badfish Lure Box - Is it Worth It?

You may have seen the numerous fishing boxes floating around the web, but what about the NEW Badfish box? A few months ago, Marty reached out from Badfish and asked if I would do an unboxing/review...
Magnet Fishing For Beginners - Tips & Tricks!
Magnet Fishing

Magnet Fishing For Beginners - Tips & Tricks!

  The Start to Our Magnet Fishing Adventures   Some say it's a lifestyle; we say it's life! That is our motto here at Salty Scales. When we say that, we are, of course, talking about fishing and ...
Stargazer Fish: Coolest Fish in the Sea?
are stargazer fish poisonous

Stargazer Fish: Coolest Fish in the Sea?

I have seen many weird fish in all of my days fishing, but I have to admit, I had never heard of a Stargazer fish until someone on our Salty Scales Fishing page asked to help identify one. Usually...
Fishing Ponds Near Me - They Produce Big Fish

Fishing Ponds Near Me - They Produce Big Fish

How do you find the best fishing ponds near you? Fishing in 2020 can be somewhat challenging; it seems that 90% of the ponds in communities and surrounding areas display no trespassing signs. How...